Monday, November 10, 2008

Zuidlaren to Rolde.... um.... Gasteren!

The walk should have been 16km, turned out to be over 20km (estimate) and we never found Rolde. Took a wrong turning somewhere on the Ballooërveld and ended up going north, which led us to the wrong side. We exited where we should have entered. Reason was the changed route which we did not trust at that point (after a number of bad directions and signposts). So we staggered back to Gasteren and took the bus to Assen station. We were footsore and tired. Next time, we'll start off at the Ballooërveld and walk from there (we know now where we went wrong).

Drenthe is awesomely beautiful. I'd love to live there. Sam was brilliant - even though he was quite bolshie towards the end, lying down on the job whenever we paused for a few seconds and refusing to get up again... but he was easily bribed with a little piece of cheese.

He and Milan are now comrades for life.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Zuidlaren to Rolde - 9 November 2008

Okay, we are finally back on track.

Saturday 8 November Elma, Milan, myself and Sam the dog will depart from station Den Haag to Groningen. From Groningen we will take the bus to Zuidlaren. In Zuidlaren we will probably walk the 6km to the camping where we have booked a chalet for the night:
We will call taxi Roelfsema @ 050-4096000 to pick us up at the camping on Sunday morning, and take us to the starting point in Zuidlaren.

Then, we walk. Probably dragging an unwilling Sam along for a good part of the way.
(I'll take many treats along for him to motivate)

In Rolde, we will take the bus to Assen and from there back home (I still have to check the exact route).

In Rotterdam, hobble the last half hour back home from the station.

16 km, should be quite a trek. I hope the dog can handle it.

There have been a few changes on the route, according to the site:

Etappe Zuidlaren - Rolde

Kaart 13-14, blz 47-49

Datum wijziging: 25 oktober 2008
Gemarkeerd: ja
Noodzakelijk: nee

De route vanaf de brug over het Schipborgse Diep tot en met het Ballooërveld is gewijzigd.

Richting Noord - Zuid.

kaart 13, regel 1.

Bij de bank verder rechtdoor tot T-kruising. Hier links, en verderop over de Aa gaan. Aan overzijde het bospad naar rechts vervolgen. Op kruising rechtdoor, op de volgende rechts. Pad volgen tot een vlonderpad naar rechts. Hier rechts, het wordt een pad door de velden. Einde, haakse bocht links, dan aan het einde op T-kruising links. Iets verder via een wildrooster het natuurreservaat binnengaan (honden niet toegestaan!) Op splitsing rechts houden, dan na een heuveltop, op splitsing links. U komt uit bij een hunebed.

Bij het hunebed links. Verderop brede zandweg met fietspad oversteken en iets naar rechts een smal pad nemen. Verderop rechts houden. Op kruising rechtdoor. Aan het einde voor een weiland rechts. Pad aflopen tot de verharde weg waar u rechts gaat. Aan het einde op T-kruising links Gasteren verder inlopen. Op kruising bij Y-2925 rechts richting Assen. Na huisnr. 24 rechts, via Gagels het dorp uitlopen. Na 200 m een karrenspoor naar links. Er volgt een bocht naar rechts. In de volgende bocht naar rechts linksaf naar de weg lopen en deze naar rechts volgen. De weg maakt een ruime bocht naar rechts. Ca. 500 m verder links via een slagboom het Ballooërveld opgaan.

Het zandpad volgen. Op splitsing links houden. Er volgt een haakse bocht naar rechts. Voordat het pad weer naar links buigt, rechts een smal pad kiezen. Verderop rechtdoor gaand de zandweg weer vervolgen. Zijpaden en invoegende paden negeren totdat na ca. 500 m naar links een brede zandweg afgaat, in de bocht staat een bordje "Galgenberg". Aan het einde van deze zandweg rechts, weer een brede zandweg. Op splitsing bij grafheuvel, links houden. Nu verder alle zijwegen negeren en steeds deze weg blijven volgen. De toren van Rolde ligt als een baken voor u.

Zie nu verder bij kaart 14, regel 10.

Richting Zuid - Noord.

kaart 14, regel 6.

Aanvankelijk gaat deze weg door open, in cultuur gebracht terrein. Daarna begint het Balloërveld. Na ca. 900 m komt er van links een breed pad bij en passeert u een grafheuvel (Stakenberg). Ruim 500 m verder een brede zandweg naar links inslaan. Einde rechts. Dan twee keer kort na elkaar op splitsing rechts houden. Daarna buigt het naar links en voegt er een breed zandpad van links in. Dan in een haakse bocht naar rechts, rechtdoor een klein pad nemen, even verder ligt links een waterplas. Aan het einde linksaf de zandweg vervolgen. Op T-kruising rechts. Dit pad nu uitlopen tot een verkeersweg.

Verkeersweg naar rechts volgen. Na ca. 1 km, vlak na een brug over het Gasterense Diep, links een smal pad nemen. Op splitsing voor akker rechts. Einde rechts, Gasteren in. Einde links, Westeinde, later Brink. Bij Y-2925 links, Oude Molenweg. Eerste rechts, Zandkampen. Op splitsing karrenspoor naar links. Waar dit naar rechts buigt links een smal bospad op. U loopt spoedig over de heide. Op kruising rechtdoor, zijpaden negeren. Brede zandweg met fietspad oversteken in de richting van een hunebed. (Honden niet toegestaan!) Bij het hunebed rechts. Dit pad geheel aflopen en via wildrooster het natuurreservaat verlaten. Voor een groot open veld karrenspoor naar rechts inslaan. Aan het einde buigt het naar rechts, u komt bij een vlonderpad. Einde vlonderpad links. Op kruising links. Uitlopen tot voetbrug over de Drentsche Aa. Water oversteken. Op Y-splitsing rechts. Een eindje verder staat op een open stukje een bank. Naar links slaat een zandweg af. Dit is punt / van deze kaart.

Zie nu verder bij kaart 12.

Brrr. Hoop maar dat het in ieder geval droog blijft!

Hier de weerbericht voor zondag:

Zonkans: 30%
Neerslag: 60%, 6 mm
Min/max: 9/11°C
Wind: ZW 6

Monday, October 13, 2008

It's not procrastination

when you have a sailing trip and faraway (and nearby) holidays followed by dogsitting duties.

The journey will continue, hopefully within one month.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Saturday 12 July: Zuidlaren to Rolde, 16km

Elma, Milan and me. We'll be overnighting in Zuidlaren Friday night, next morning up bright and early to walk to Rolde. From Rolde, back home in the afternoon or evening.

16km in one day should be doable for us all.

Next leg of the journey is 20km, which we will split over two days.

Update: we did not walk after all on Saturday. Had to postpone, infernal toothache - Elma is out of commission. We'll first wait till her tooth problems are fixed before making another date. In the meanwhile, I'll walk the Kustpad which is LAW 5-2/5-3. I think I'll walk the first bit next weekend on the Saturday.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Poor Elma!!

We are postponing the next walk until 12 & 13 July.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Next walk: Zuidlaren to Rolde, 16km

On Saturday June 21 JC has his birthday & housewarming party.
It looks as if we'll be visiting him on Saturday, then going on to Zuidlaren to overnight.
Next morning Sunday June 22 we'll leave bright and early on the walk to Rolde.

We still have to work out a few details: overnight B&B, will Milan come along this time as well, how do we get back home from Rolde in the afternoon?

From Zuidlaren, we'll be leaving the Hondsrug, walking through the valley of the Drentsche Aa. First Gasteren, a typical little Drents village, then we'll be walking through the Balloërveld and ending up in Rolde where we'll have a look at two well preserved Hunnebedden before going home.

Interesting things to see on the way:

The Balloërveld used to be a military exercise area, it's a plateau between the streams Loonerdiep and Rolderdiep. It was farmed in the prehistory (Celtic fields) and you can still see the remnants of wagon trails of the middle ages (this was a main trade route to Groningen).
A grave hill in the Balloërveld called Galgenberg (gallows hill, guess why...). The history of this place goes back a very very long time and has not been fully investigated.

Rolde Hunebedden and here too

Sunday, May 25, 2008

25 May 2008, Glimmen to Zuidlaren


Total Pieterpad distance for the two days was 21 km but we walked a little bit more.
It was good that we split it over two days, good for our own feet and for the boys.
The Sunday, Nic and Luca walked as well. Luca did really well, next time he´ll come along on his bike with Nic.

We had cooler weather than on the Saturday and timed it really well because the first splatters of rain started to come down when we hit the outskirts of Zuidlaren. Of course we had a pancake stop when we came to the end point of the day´s walk. Then, on to Assen to the Chinese Terracotta Army exibit for Milan (school project).

It was a wonderful day and a lovely walk. The landscape of Drenthe is magnificent, we all are in agreement that we would love to live there.

Here´s an overview of the day:

Some movies shot on Suday:

Two playful horses, being egged on by the brothers:

And here are Elma's pictures (many taken by Milan, actually):

24 May 2008, Groningen to Glimmen


We left by train on Saturday morning 20 to 10, arrived in Groningen just past noon. Ate something at Burger King and then we were on our way.
The weather was beautiful and the walk was magical.

Nic and Luca met up with us at the farmhouse where we stayed the night.
We had supper at an Italian restaurant in Zuidlaren, came home filled with good food and tumbled into bed, exhausted.

Here are some video's from Saturday.

Watching the bridge go up (Groningen)

Looking for the elusive cuckoo


Walking some more (sandy road):

Elma's pictures:

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Saturday & Sunday: juggling traveling arrangements & kids

Elma and her tribe have this small change of plans:

L has a party on Saturday morning that he does not want to miss.
M does not want to miss one second of walking.

So, Elma, me and M will leave Saturday morning by train to Groningen and do the first leg of the walk. Nic and L will leave for Groningen Saturday afternoon and set up camp, we'll catch up at the end of the day. We all overnight together as planned and on the next day we all walk the second leg. After this, we all go to Assen together and see the exibit Chinese Teracotta Army.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

The next leg: from Groningen to Zuidlaren

This is a 21 km walk that we will be splitting over two days. Elma and I will be walking on May 24 and 25; probably Nic and the boys will come too. The distances are nice and short, 10 km a day, and we will include a visit to the Drents Museum in Assen to see the Chinese Terracotta army (one of Elma's boys is doing a school project on these figures and really wants to see this exhibit).

Day one we will probably walk from Groningen to a midway point (Paterswolde is a bit out of the way but looks like the best option so far). Day two we'll walk the rest of the way to Zuidlaren, of course visiting the well preserved G1 Hunebed (Dolmen) of Midlaren on the way (between Midlaren and Zuidlaren on the Schutsweg) - and having arrived in Zuidlaren we will probably go on to the museum in Assen by car, and after that drive back home.

I did some reading and found that there's a nice little wooded nature reserve called Appelbergen east of Glimmen which is quite popular. Through the woods runs a medieval highway, called Hoge Hereweg. There are two Hunebedden (Dolmen) in this wood but they were destroyed quite some time ago. It seems that during WW2, some 20 to 30 Dutch people were executed and secretly buried in this forest. The bodies have not been found yet despite much searching.

We will be moving from Groningen province into Drenthe, crossing the provincial boundary just south of Noordlaarderbos. This forest forms the barrier between the Hondsrug ridge and the Drenthse Aa river valley. We should be able to see the change from clay grounds in Groningen to the sandier soil of Drenthe, the landscape should also become more undulating and wooded as we move into Drenthe.

We will be walking along the Hondsrug, a long sand hill which was pushed upwards by gletchers back in the Saalien ice age. Hondsrug does not refer to a dog as the name first suggests, but to the Hunze river which runs through that area. The first part of the route will go along the Noord Willemskanaal, a very old waterway (canal) and one of the city of Groningen's main traffic arteries in the old days.

We'll be overnighting in Glimmen, over here. It looks wonderful!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sailing with Martinus

Long weekend 1 - 4 May, much too short.
The best time I've had in a long while.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Garnwerd to Groningen (13 km) on Sunday, 27 April 2008

We left Garnwerd after nine in the morning, after a good honest Dutch breakfast prepared by our Francophile host.

Walking out of Garnwerd my right foot started to bother me, it got steadily worse as we walked on. In the end it was so painful -even with painkillers and Diclofenac- that I took the bus to Groningen station over the last km or so while Elma walked that last distance. Almost two weeks later the foot is still painful when I walk, so I'll have to have it medically seen to.

The walk itself was delightful, a good part of it ran alongside the Reitdiep canal. It seems that the Reitdiep valley is the oldest man-made landscape in Europe, created by the Hunze river that connected Groningen to the sea. The weather was sublime.

Along the way we saw a gorgeous little church at Oostum from the 13th century. it's built on on a terp wierde (In Groningen it's called wierde, in Friesland it's called terp), a piece of land that was artificially heightened back when this area was regularly flooded. Most of that has been excavated now, only the churches and graveyards are still up high.

A bit further on, just before crossing the canal, we encountered a restaurant with tables on the side of the road overlooking the water. Of course we sat down and enjoyed a cup of coffee and some cherry(?)tart. We heard from a variety of people there that good walking shoes are of the utmost importance when doing such a walk. My foot by that time was hurting a lot so I was pathetic, and Elma was walking in bright red ski boots which of course attracted comment ;-)
One couple told us of a long distance walk (old pilgrim route) of about 800 km called el Camino de Santiago, they made it sound very attractive but I think I'll have to be a bit fitter and more experienced before I tackle that one.

The walk took us over the meandering Paddepoelster Road which is a very old road. Eventually we crossed the Van Starkenborgh canal into Groningen, sat for a while on a bench and watched the world go by. Also sitting on a bench next to us were two youngsters who were also doing the walk, and I was relieved to see the one girl in even worse shape than I was! After that we followed cycle roads and walking paths until we reached the city itself and I hopped (crawled) on a bus towards the station. Elma will have to correct me on details or add some more info because I was rather wasted this day because of the pain in my foot.

And here are Elma's pictures:

I learned a few things on this walk:
- make the backpack as light as possible.
- walking with a human is completely different to walking with a dog.
- asphalt walking hurts the feet.
- definitely need to do something about the level of fitness.
- around 10 - 15 km a day is a good length for a weekend walker like me.
- I really loved walking like this even though the foot hurt like hell.
- I'm going to finish this walk, and then do a next one. And a next one. And a next.

Elma and I decided that we'd do the next leg on the weekend of 24 & 25 May. That will take us from Groningen to Zuidlaren, the total distance is 21 km. It's supposed to be one leg but we'll be splitting it over two days, it comes down to about 10km a day. As time goes on and we get fitter and more experienced we will probably do longer distances, but it's not an endurance race - the main intention after all, is to enjoy the walk and get to know this country of ours from a totally different angle.

Pieterburen to Garnwerd (16 km) on Saturday, 26 April 2008

Day one and it would not be a journey of mine if things did not go wrong.

I was supposed to transfer on station Gouda(!) to the intercity train that Elma was already travelling on. The train announcement said, cross over to platform 5 and get on the train to Utrecht, as we pulled into the station. So I did... into the stoptrain to Utrecht and not the intercity I should have been on. Elma had to get off her train in Utrecht to wait for me, or travel all the way to Groningen on her own. She waited, we met up and then we went all the way to Station Baflo where we waited for the Regiotaxi (which was half hour late!). Meanwhile, the man from the local VVV saw us standing there and regaled us with all kinds of information and he also gave us a couple of brochures to take along. That was very kind of him, we saw many of the things he described all along the route!

The regiotaxi took us to Pieterburen at breakneck speed (no wonder you never see any children outside in the little villages along the route... they had been yanked indoors by terrified parents!!!)

We started out quite late on day one and we had 16 km to walk, so we set off at a brisk pace and did not stop along the way until we hit Winsum. The pace was not so brisk at first but after the fifth group of geriatric walkers left us in a cloud of dust, we picked up speed. We managed to arrive in Winsum before a pair of very nice old ladies, which gave us some relief: we were not last!

Had some lovely apple pie and coffee sitting in the sun on a terrace in Winsum, then we continued on to the last leg of the day's journey. The first bit was fun, walking along a sloot, over fields and past some very bored horses, but after that it was less pleasant. We were walking on the verge of a very busy road with impatient cars whizzing past. Happy to arrive in Garnwerd, my tongue dragging on the road by that time, we looked for our overnight address and found it without any trouble. We then tottered off to see a bit of the old town and eat something at the local cafetaria. Uitsmijter (two slices of bread, three eggs runny yolks, thinly sliced ham, onion rings, fried mushrooms and some guilt salad), tea, glass of rose each and finally decadent ice cream on the banks of the canal sitting on a wooden bench watching the cows come home. Heaven!

We went to sleep earlier than I had done in years, around nine! Slept well, aside from the few mosquitoes that decided I was a nice snack.

For me, it was a lovely flat green countryside with many meandering little streams which (thank you VVV guy) by their very curves prove that they are the original natural waterways (farmers make straight lines, nature goes in bends and whorls) from back in the days when this province was regularly inundated by very high tides and storms.

Elma took some lovely pictures:

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pieterburen - Garnwerd - Groningen

For this part of the journey, it will be Anja and Elma walking.

Day 1: to Pieterburen with public transport.
Walk from Pieterburen to Garnwerd, 16 km.
Overnight in a B&B in Garnwerd (booked)
Day 2: walk to Groningen, 13 km.
Train back to our respective homes.

The KNMI weather forecast looks excellent:



Chance of sunshine (%)



Chance of rain (%)



Expected rain (mm)



Minimum temp (°C)



Afternoon temp (°C)



Wind direction



Wind speed (bft)



Sunday, April 20, 2008


I applied for a Voordeelurenabonnement online, a few minutes ago. To my disgust it will only be valid from May 5 at the earliest. Seems it takes that long for the NS (Dutch Railway) to get one little card made. Hmph. My passport was more quickly created than that.

This means that it will be a really expensive trip next weekend. Perhaps we should look into leaving very early on the Saturday morning then, instead of overnighting in Pieterburen the night before. That will shave at least 23 Euro off the total cost of the weekend, per person.

So far, it seems it will be only Elma joining me this coming weekend, though others plan to join in along the way. Elma is determined to walk the entire Pieterpad as well.

Weather looks very promising. I can hardly wait.
This week I'll be organising a sleepover place in Winsum, and figuring out the train timetable so we can leave REALLY early on Saturday.

I just checked on
From Den Haag Centraal to Winsum will cost € 32,80 for a single, € 41,70 for a return ticket. With discount it would have been € 19,70 and € 25,00. Then we still need to take the bus from Winsum to Pieterburen, that's 4 strips and will cost € 1,84. Disgruntled does not even begin to cover it...

Well. It is what it is.

I figure we should buy a return ticket Den Haag Centraal to Groningen (valid for the weekend), and a single from Groningen to Winsum. If we leave from Den Haag Centraal at 6.36 from track 4, we should reach Pieterburen around 10.00 in the morning. Ouch. Three and a half hours travel on train and bus-taxi before walking one meter, that will have us feeling quite shattered...

The alternative is to choose to kick off in style, and overnight in Pieterburen on Friday night after all. I'll talk it through with Elma - my first instinct is to go Saturday morning. Friday after work, three and a half hours train etc is no picnic either.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pieterburen, starting point

Pieterburen's main claim to fame is the seal rescue centre of Lenie 't Hart (PS they do really good work, and can always use a little extra cash) and the starting point of the Pieterpad (or the end, depending on from which direction you walk the route). It lies in the Province of Groningen and it's pretty old - the oldest paperwork that mentions Pieterburen is from 1371.

I've been there before, many years ago when I went walking on the Wad (mud flats in the Wadden Sea), back when I was a student. Next weekend I'll be there again. As my memory serves me, it's a sleepy little village where the people are friendly. I don't expect it to have changed much.

Marjon won't be joining me (us??) next weekend, she says. It's okay, she can always join me on another leg of this walk. It will take a while to finish!

KNMI's long-term prediction is looking excellent:
vrijdag 25 april tot en met maandag 28 april 2008
Grote kans op rustig weer met een kleine kans op neerslag. Temperaturen een paar graden boven normaal.

I purchased the Nivon guide to the Pieterpad, part 1.
This week, I'll be booking the places I'll be staying overnight and packing my backpack.
I'm ready!! :-)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Next weekend, the weather and future walking dates

26 & 27 April is when I'm planning to start the walk. Unless we have torrential rain, that's a definite date.

Long term forecast of the KNMI is:

Verwachting 6 tot 9 dagen vooruit
dinsdag 22 april tot en met vrijdag 25 april 2008
Voortzetting van het wisselvallige weer met temperaturen iets boven normaal.

Typical spring weather, I can cope with that quite well.

I already may have Elma, Nic and the kids, as well as Marjon, joining me for the weekend.

Possible future walking dates for me are:
Long weekend 30 April - 4 May
Long weekend 10 - 12 May
17 & 18 May
24 & 25 May
31 May & 1 June
7 & 8 June
14 & 15 June
21 & 22 June
28 & 29 June
5 & 6 July
12 & 13 July
19 & 20 July
26 & 27 July
2 & 3 August
10 & 11 August
16 & 17 August
23 & 24 August
30 & 31 August
6 & 7 September
13 & 14 September, and after this I'll have to first talk things through with Connie because I am spending three weeks around this time (and perhaps in October) looking after her wild bunch.
I'll post the other dates well into autumn as soon as I know the exact dates she'll be gone.

18 & 19 October I'll be in the UK playing with a pack of wolves, if everything works out as planned.

Somewhere in the midst of all this, I'll be going to Friesland for a few weekends to go sailing with Martinus. I'm not sure yet what dates - I'll update this list as soon as I know.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Pieterpad planning: the routes and distances

These are the routes and distances for the first part of the Pieterpad, from Pieterburen to Vorden (taken from the official Pieterpad site):


















































Laren (Gld)



Laren (Gld)



Pieterpad background info and planning

The Pieterpad is not an ancient Dutch route as one might think. It was thought up between 1975 and 1981 by two enthusiastic old ladies who loved to walk: Toos Goorhuis-Tjalsma and Bertje Jens. They wanted the Netherlands to also have it's own LAW and so they designed this route to run from Pieterburen on the Wadden coast of Groningen to Sint-Pietersberg (snort. yes, Sint Pieter's Mountain, it's a sort of limestone hillock, a mountain by Dutch standards and geologically quite an interesting area with caves to explore) in Maastricht. The "Pieter" at the beginning and end is where the route got it's name from. One could choose to continue walking from Sint-Pietersberg, and follow the GR 5 straight to the Mediterranean.*

Who knows, I might.

This route is about 485km long has been split into two parts. Part 1 goes from Pieterburen to Vorden in 13 segments and is 232 km long. Part 2 goes from Vorden to Pietersberg in 14 segments and is about 256km long. Each segment is a daytrip of on average 15 - 20 km which is very much doable.

So, the entire route will take 27 days to complete from start to finish. If I walk it in two day weekend segments, that should take about 13 weekends to complete. Less, if I schedule in a long weekend here and there. The distance per day is quite short so it's more of an amble than a walk. All of it on fairly even surfaces... I can see myself easily doing three segments over a weekend instead of two, especially with the shorter ones. I'll wait and see though, before I try to push too hard.

I would like to start walking this month already. Best would be on the 26th April (oh dear, hope for good weather!). This is not brain surgery and does not need much planning but it gives me time to buy the walking guides next weekend and read up a bit on the route. Clothing, backpack etc are all things I already have.

I'm quite excited!

* I got this information from the official Pieterpad website.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

2008 is going to be a walking year

I hope so.

I'll be starting out with the Pieterpad - break it up in pieces and walk over weekends.
Up to now, I've only been walking short distances of up to 25, 30 km max a day. That probably won't change much but there will be more structure to the walking now. I'll be walking a specific route from beginning to end.

Maybe I'll get people to join in now and then, but mostly I expect to be walking it by myself. Me and my camera.

First things first, next weekend I'll get the latest guidebook from the ANWB and start planning.